How you can submit your poem
We accept submissions of poetry to Herb Port of Poets from anywhere in the world. As a rule, all the submitted poems will appear in this blog. Please read the following guidelines before sending your work.
- We accept only one poem.
- Your poem must be written in English.
- Your poem must not exceed 50 lines. The line count includes blank lines between stanzas. Title is not included in the count.
- Send your poem to
- Please include your name, title of your poem, your poem and the name of the country you live in within the body of the email. We do not accept file attachments.
- Submission form is also available.
- It takes one or two days for your work to appear in this blog.
We will also select some of the poems among submissions to be published in the summer 2025 issue of Mi-lyre-n, our biannual Japanese poetry magazine based in Japan. If you want your work to be considered for publication in this magazine, please make a submission no later than the 20th of May.
Yasushi Ikeda, Editor
Yuko Minamikawa Adams, Advisor
Invitation buoy:
"Herb" bears some reference to a Japanese word "kotoba" or "kotonoha", which means "word", "language". The first half "koto" means "word", "utterance", "matter". And the second part "ba" or "ha" means "leaf".
You may as well deliberately mistake it for "hub(port)".